THIS MORNING, TERESA Mannion was a guest on RTÉ 2fm’s Breakfast Republic when she revealed a juicy tidbit of gossip…
You know Storm Keating? Wife of Ronan? A Good Morning Australia presenter apparently told Mannion that Storm is not her real name.
I’m in RTÉ in Galway and it’s midnight, and I’m getting ready to go live to Sydney and the presenters are chatting to me during the break and she’s going, “Do you know Ronan Keating? He’s married to an Australian.” And I said, “Yeah, her name is Storm.” And she said, “That’s not her real name.”
After a quick Google, Maguire announced that Storm Keating’s real name is… Sharon.
Storm’s real name is in fact, Sharon. We think. I’ve been googling trying to find it, but it might be Sharon.
And that’s when all hell broke loose.
By some twist of fate, Storm Keating happened to have her birth cert lying around and decided it was time to school Jennifer Maguire…
My birth certificate for @JenniferMaguire and anyone else who is curious about my name. My parents took the name “Storm” from one of the novels in Wilbur Smith’s first trilogy (a famous South African journalist) because they loved it and have called me Storm since I was born.
They made my first name “Sharyn” because they were worried that people might make fun of me… turns out they were right. The use of middle names is not uncommon, here’s some more people who go by their middle name #BradPitt #AshtonKutcher#DakotaFanning#ReeseWitherspoon#WillFerrell #PaulMcCartney #BruceWillis#Rihanna #GarthBrooks #RupertMurdoch#OrsonWelles
Some interesting hashtags there — our favourite is #BruceWillis
Ronan Keating then forwarded the post on to Jennifer Maguire…
The couple that addresses scandals on Twitter together, stays together.
To which Jennifer Maguire responded…
“Storm in a teacup” — Excellent work, Jen.
To make things better, Jennifer even sent her own birth cert* to Storm
(*Okay, it wasn’t her real birth cert.)
Which seemed to calm Storm down
She even offered to appear on Breakfast Republic tomorrow morning.
We know what we’re listening to tomorrow…
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